Initial thoughts

Over the past few weeks I’ve had an increasing desire to write. I’m going to embrace that desire and see where it takes me. I’ve often tried to write a few blogs before, and only really committed fully to one of them. But at the moment, I feel like crafting a space which I can use for myself. A space where I can document and reflect on what I’m enjoying and pursuing at the moment, the journeys and challenges I want to complete this year.

I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished over the past few years. There’s been a great deal of change, and I’m sure there will be over the next few years too. But I am gaining an increasing interest in a few areas and I want to reflect on those.

In August 2015 I went to Norway for two weeks. I’ve always been incredibly lucky with the opportunities I’ve had to travel, and I’ve always been relatively active, but Norway was probably the first outdoorsy holiday I’d been on as an adult. I only did a couple of day hikes and a two day bike ride but it was still a very different experience for me – I’d never even been camping before.

Here I am, a year and a half later, living in New Zealand.

I can’t exactly remember the reasons why we decided to move out here. But I’ve definitely been trying to emulate that outdoorsy experience I had in Norway.

One of my favourite things in New Zealand has been hiking out to huts. The way I feel as I hike out to remote areas, particularly ascending, is incredible. I really want to continue to hike this year, and create some goals for some epic hikes over the next few years.

Another key goal for me is running. I’m really trying to become a runner at the moment. I’ve always dabbled in running; I’ve run a couple of 10ks here and there, I once even ran a half marathon. But I’ve never been a runner. I’ve never managed to run consistently. I’m three months into 2017, and have ran on average twice a week, which is more consistent than I’ve ever been before. I’m already getting ahead of myself and considering the Auckland marathon at the end of October, but I’ll see how the next few months go. I really am trying to remind myself that consistency is key.

I’m trying to develop the consistency of my yoga practice too and I also have this idea of transferable fitness and I’m working on that too. Surfing, rock-climbing, kayaking. Developing the strength and agility of my body, but only through activities that I enjoy. I’m taking some time out from gyms. I do want to improve my swimming this year too – I suck!

I’ve also fallen back in love with reading. Alongside listening to podcasts, reading has again become routine.

And mental health. Always difficult to write about, but a topic that I find fascinating. I feel in a pretty awesome place myself at the moment, but there are things going on around me which makes me remember it is always a work in progress!

And finally travel. I don’t pretend that I have anything outrageously different to share. I spent four months last year living in a campervan which was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’m not someone who dreams of making a living from travelling. There are definitely places I want to explore, long trips I want to make, and some great places I’d like to reflect on too.

So there we go. Those are my initial thoughts for this blog, I’ll see where it takes me!
